Daughter series: Amelia on the river.

One of the few upsides of the long lockdown has been the added time I've been able to spend with my wife and daughter. With everything closed, our options were limited to the natural world that surrounds us. We are fortunate that  western Massachusetts has an abundance of natural beauty, and it’s been a true joy to explore the rivers, woods  and waterfalls with Amy and Amelia. As a kid, I was lucky to have parents who took me 'down the shore' (the Jersey Shore, that is.....) but I never had access to watering holes as such, and introducing my daughter to these spots has also been an introduction for myself.  

The shots feature here were shot on digital and film, and were taken of the course of the first 4 months of the Covid -19 lockdown. Cold weather to hot, this has been our go-to routine nearly every week day.


VCP lockdown portraits.